For nearly four decades the U.S. has recognized October as National Breast Cancer Awareness Month.
Eleven out of the twelve months of the year strive to bring awareness to different types of cancer. Throughout each month, different communities/organizations nationwide find unique ways to help aid and support those affected by cancer.
Unfortunately, millions of people across the globe are impacted by cancer and the repercussions that come with a diagnosis. These people are the patients themselves, their families, friends, and the community. Those times before, during, and after treatments can be overwhelming for everyone involved. However, there are many different ways you can help support others going through these challenges.
Ways You Can Support Others
Simply listening to the other person can be one of the most meaningful actions for them. People oftentimes need to have conversations to help process difficult situations, by talking through their emotions and experiences can assist in bringing clarity and comfort.
Keep life as normal as possible! Whether someone has recently experienced a cancer diagnosis, or is in the depths of chemo treatments, having a sense of normalcy can create an anchor for them to fall back on. Especially when their whole world has been turned upside down. So even with a life-changing situation make sure to treat them as you regularly would, they are still the same person!
Offering assistance and support, even if it might not seem like a lot, will mean the world to your loved one. Support can come in many different forms, whether it is simply dropping off a holiday treat, or driving them to a doctor's appointment. Showing up and helping truly demonstrates love and care.
Hair Loss Prevention Through Cold Caps
A very serious concern for people afflicted with cancer is facing the challenge of losing hair during chemotherapy. Chemo targets fast-growing cells and kills them to prevent the spread of cancerous cells, however, hair follicles and the cells in the hair root get damaged along the way. This leads to the loss of hair throughout the entire body. Luckily there has been progress in creating different methods to help aid in the prevention of hair loss, one method in particular is called Cold Caps.
Cold Caps are an automated scalp cooling system that has been approved by the FDA to help aid in the prevention of hair loss that is common during chemo treatments.
The helmet-shaped hat works by being connected to an automated device that circulates a cooled gel/liquid throughout the cap. They use intensely cold temperatures to constrict the blood vessels in the scalp, in doing this it helps keep the cell-killing chemo away from the hair follicles.
As time goes on hopefully we can see the full results of using Cold Caps during chemotherapy treatments, but as of right now they are a great way to help mitigate hair loss!
Compassion, love, and support can be a lifeline for those facing cancer. With endless support, we remind our loved ones that they are not fighting this battle alone, there is always a community behind them.
The American Cancer Society's 24/7 cancer helpline is available at
3300 N. Running Creek Way | Suite A2
11649 South 4000 West | Suite 120
South Jordan, Utah 84009
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